Brian's Life Story!

Brian Littrell...A True Survivor

     "My name is Brian Thomas Littrell.I was born February 20th,1975 
in St.Joseph Hospital in Lexington,Kentucky.I was born to Harold Jr.
and Jackie Littrell-I was their second son.I have a brother who's 
three years older than me.We grew up fairly middle class.My dad 
worked at IBM;later they were bought out by a company in Germany.They
work on typewriter ribbons,computer ribbons and stuff like that.He's
worked there ever since high school,eighteen years old.My grandfather,
Harold Littrell Sr.,worked there,so my dad kind of followed in his 
footsteps.[Dad]enlisted in the Navy and was in for four years.Right 
before he left the Navy,he met my mom.My mom worked at a church,where
I grew up actually.